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Taller de Música Contemporánea

  • Miguel Ángel Muñoz violin
  • Karina Fischer flute
  • Fernanda Ortega piano
  • Gerardo Salazar percussion
  • Héctor Méndez violoncello
  • Pablo Aranda (1960)
    • El desvarío del apuntador (2017)
  • Jorge Pepi-Alos (1962)
    • Puna (1996)
Original Concert Program (PDF)

Ensemble Taller de Música Contemporánea in Paris

The concert has two parts. First the great flute duo Lavado Fischer will present their newly released record, which is dedicated to Latinamerican repertoire. After three pieces for flute, we will listen to the ensemble Taller de Música Contemporánea perform the Klangperformance „El desvarío del apuntador“ by Chilean composer Pablo Aranda, who is also the conductor of the ensemble. The International Society for Chilean Music brings these prestigious musicians from the southernmost country of the world to the Paris, France. This is the third of four concerts that the ensemble Taller de Música Contemporánea will give as part of their SIMUC-Tour in Europe.

SIMUC - Concert Tour
Chilean Embassy
2, av. de la Motte Piquet Grenelle, 75007
Wednesday, 27 Sep 2017
Paris, France